Direnv with multiple AWS Accounts

If you are working closely with AWS, with multiple customers, multiple accounts, you will love this app : Direnv. Direnv will let you switch environment variables depending on the current folder you are browsing. It will be especially useful when you are using multi-customers AWS CLI ACCESS_KEY variables. Then you don’t need to run aws configure each time you need to switch credentials. When you leave the path, direnv will unload variables, then you avoid any mistakes. ...

January 10, 2017 · 1 min · 205 words · zoph

Using Jira REST API with PowerShell

For automation purposes, I needed a tool to interact with the REST API of Atlassian Jira over Powershell commands. I found a great module developed by replicaJunction and contributors on Github called PSJira. Installation You will need Powershell >=3.0 Install-Module PSJira (if you have Package Management Installed Module) and for sure, an Atlassian Jira instance First-Run 1 Set-JiraConfigServer -Server 'https://my.jira.server.com:port' Setup jira credentials in .ps1 Encrypt credentials (Once) Do this with the Windows session of the user who will launch the .ps1 scripts (service account) ...

January 3, 2017 · 2 min · 254 words · zoph

AWS Starter Kit

This post was updated on 2020-07-11. You will find in this post a few links and videos to help you on your journey to AWS Cloud. My best Amazon Web Services — a practical guide All Things Distributed from Werner Vogels (CTO of Amazon.com) Intro from AWS Intro Series E-Learning A Cloud Guru Courses Case Studies Case Studies - France VPC Getting Started with AWS VPC What Startups Should Know about Amazon VPC - part 1 What Startups Should Know about Amazon VPC - part 2 France Events Awsomeday AWS France Events French AWS User Group (Meetup) Useful Twitter accounts @aws_actus @mza My list Videos from re:Invent https://reinventvideos.com/ ...

December 13, 2016 · 1 min · 139 words · zoph