awless a powerfull alternative to AWS CLI

Yesterday, I was attending a meetup from the great French AWS Users Group, and Henri shows us a great new project where he is working on, it’s called: awless. awless is a great alternative of the official AWS CLI. It’s written in Go, and available on Apache license on Github. awless will enhance your experience with CLI with key features like: autocompletion, offline mode (--local), template support, revert capabilities, etc…...

May 17, 2017 · 3 min · 520 words · zoph

Office 365: Office 2016 Installation from USBKey using relative path

[30/04/17] Update: Following this post, I’ve pushed this script to Github if you want to contribute. I was trying to use Office Deployment Tool (ODT) using the relative path for our Office 2016 ProPlus deployment (On USB Key & Hard Drive). As USB Keys are mounted each time with different letters depending on how many devices already mounted. I was stuck cause ODT XML Configuration file does not support the relative path....

March 9, 2017 · 1 min · 199 words · zoph

Using Jira REST API with PowerShell

For automation purposes, I needed a tool to interact with the REST API of Atlassian Jira over Powershell commands. I found a great module developed by replicaJunction and contributors on Github called PSJira. Installation You will need Powershell >=3.0 Install-Module PSJira (if you have Package Management Installed Module) and for sure, an Atlassian Jira instance First-Run Set-JiraConfigServer -Server '' Setup jira credentials in .ps1 Encrypt credentials (Once) Do this with the Windows session of the user who will launch the ....

January 3, 2017 · 2 min · 244 words · zoph