How to deal with unused assets on AWS?

💸 Rational Using the public cloud will let you do experiments, iterate, test new services and new capabilities; it will unleash the potential of your teams to do innovation and, in the end, reduce the time to market with innovative products. Cloud computing comes with a promise: “Pay as you go”. In fact, this statement is partially true. However, it is only accurate if you take care – really care – of your active assets on your Cloud Service Provider (CSP)....

May 29, 2022 · 2 min · 310 words · zoph

Easily reduce by 70% your AWS Fargate bills

Quick post today about CostSaving on AWS. As you know two of my preferred subjects on Public Cloud are: Security and FinOps ! Recently, AWS introduced a way to reduce by up to 70% AWS bills using Spot instances with AWS Fargate service. It’s really easy to use, and if your workload is interruption-proof, batch jobs, or CI/CD containers, don’t hesitate to use it to drastically reduce your workloads costs....

February 16, 2020 · 1 min · 120 words · zoph