Office 365: Office 2016 Installation from USBKey using relative path

[30/04/17] Update: Following this post, I’ve pushed this script to Github if you want to contribute. I was trying to use Office Deployment Tool (ODT) using the relative path for our Office 2016 ProPlus deployment (On USB Key & Hard Drive). As USB Keys are mounted each time with different letters depending on how many devices already mounted. I was stuck cause ODT XML Configuration file does not support the relative path. ...

March 9, 2017 · 2 min · 218 words · zoph

Using Jira REST API with PowerShell

For automation purposes, I needed a tool to interact with the REST API of Atlassian Jira over Powershell commands. I found a great module developed by replicaJunction and contributors on Github called PSJira. Installation You will need Powershell >=3.0 Install-Module PSJira (if you have Package Management Installed Module) and for sure, an Atlassian Jira instance First-Run 1 Set-JiraConfigServer -Server '' Setup jira credentials in .ps1 Encrypt credentials (Once) Do this with the Windows session of the user who will launch the .ps1 scripts (service account) ...

January 3, 2017 · 2 min · 254 words · zoph