[FR] Re:Invent 2018

Retour sur une semaine incroyable et riche en annonces comme à l’accoutumée pour cette nouvelle édition du salon annuel Amazon Web Services (AWS) à Las Vegas. Dans cet article, nous allons revenir sur les principaux lancements de cette année, des plus importants aux plus inattendus. Quelques chiffres avant de commencer, AWS est un business avec un CA de 27Mds$, avec une croissance de 46-49%. Cette année, le re:Invent c’est 50 000 participants annoncés, répartis sur les 5 principaux casinos de Las Vegas....

December 27, 2018 · 6 min · 1223 words · zoph

AWS re:Invent'18 - re:Cap

Pre-re:Invent'18 Launches 🚀 (November 2018) AWS Region in Milan, Italy. CloudFormation Drift Detection. EC2 Auto Scaling Groups With Multiple Instance Types & Purchase Options. Train Custom Document Classifiers with Amazon Comprehend. Amazon S3 Block Public Access – Another Layer of Protection for Your Accounts and Buckets. Using AWS CodePipeline to Perform Multi-Region Deployments. AWS Resource Access Manager – Cross-Account Resource Sharing. AWS GovCloud (US-East) Now Open. Amazon Route 53 Resolver for Hybrid Clouds....

December 2, 2018 · 4 min · 773 words · zoph

SecretManagement for Terraform and Ansible

In this quick article, I’ll show you how I use AWS SSM Parameter Store as a glue between Terrafom and Ansible. Use Case For a personal project, I needed to pass some parameters (key/value) and secrets (encrypted) from my IaC Terraform to Ansible. AWS SSM PS ? AWS SSM Parameter Store is a secure key-value storage, a native EC2 functionality. From AWS Documentation: Parameter Store offers the following benefits and features:...

October 5, 2018 · 2 min · 345 words · zoph

How do I prepare AWS Certifications

Updated on: 2019-04-20 Currently, I’ve successfully passed the following AWS Certifications: AWS Solutions Architect - Professional, AWS Security Specialty, AWS Developer Associate, AWS Architect Associate and AWS SysOps Associate. In this post, I will show you how do I prepare for AWS Certifications. To start, please find below the actual Certification roadmap: Why AWS Certifications? It is always a benefit to validate your knowledge with the official certification path from the vendor, It’s a recognition for your skills like all other IT Certifications, but AWS certifications are well recognized in the IT area....

August 5, 2018 · 3 min · 478 words · zoph

Stress website with a Beehive (with machineguns 🔫)

Warning I deny any responsibility for using this article to launch an assault on a website that you don’t own. TL;DR In this article, you will find a procedure to launch a distributed load test of ApacheBench (AB) on your website. I will use: BeesWithMachineGuns Requirements Boto / awscli Python 2.6 - 3.6 paramiko Installation aws configure with your credentials sudo pip install https://github.com/newsapps/beeswithmachineguns/archive/master.zip Launch ssh-agent, add your key: Copy your EC2 ssh-key pair to your instance, in /home/ec2-user/....

March 18, 2018 · 2 min · 418 words · zoph