On being Independent

In December 2019, I’ve decided to switch from a long time (15 years) habits of Full-Time Employee (FTE) contracts to run my own business as an Independent AWS Cloud Architect. This decision came to me after a few deceptions from my past experiences as a traditional employee/consultant, and I was thinking about this switch for several years now. It was the perfect time for me to start this new challenge: ...

January 1, 2020 · 2 min · 316 words · zoph

AWS Security Toolbox (AST)

In my day-to-day job, I was wasting my time to keep reinstall, and deal with dependencies of all my favorite tools for AWS Security Audits and Assessments. So, lately, I’ve decided to start another pet project trying to solve this issue and provide a simple Docker container that contains all security-related tooling for your AWS Assessments. I’ve decided to open-source it, after some discussion with my peers, they were interested in this kind of stuff to avoid wasting hours to install a myriad of Apps and Python dependencies on their own laptop or customer machine. ...

December 16, 2019 · 1 min · 146 words · zoph

Serverless job scheduling using AWS Fargate

I was wondering if I could schedule simple bash scripts using AWS Fargate for some trivial batches operations. To be completely honest, It is also an excuse to learn more about AWS Fargate, and to convert a legacy bash script based on EC2 Spot instance to a container world. In this post, we will see how to schedule a bash script job once a day. To do so, we will deploy the corresponding AWS infrastructure (even if it’s serverless, yes :wink:) using Terraform. ...

September 22, 2019 · 5 min · 1005 words · zoph

Automate your SQL & NoSQL databases with AWS Managed Services

Disclamer: This article was written with my co-author: Sandro aka Khrarec. thx dude. Introduction With the rising of cloud managed services comes a very important one: the databases. So, what’s a managed database service ? Basically, a database is a server-side software like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, or for NoSQL, Redis, MongoDB, etc… But, when you install and build your database server that way, it means you have to manage the configuration, which is sometimes very tricky. You might make some mistakes that can kill performances. ...

September 15, 2019 · 11 min · 2161 words · zoph

[FR] AWS re:Inforce 2019

re:Inforce 2019 Il s’agit de la première édition de cette conférence AWS dédiée à la sécurité de ce Cloud Service Provider (CSP). AWS est actuellement en train de proposer de nouveaux événements et summits sur des sujets spécifiques, en plus de l’événement annuel, le re:Invent. Cette conférence aura lieu chaque année dans une ville différente des États-Unis, il est question de Houston pour l’année prochaine. https://reinforce.awsevents.com/ J’ai eu l’occasion de participer au re:Cap du re:Inforce proposé par AWS France, voici en synthèse, les éléments à ne pas manquer. ...

July 15, 2019 · 4 min · 673 words · zoph