[FR] leHack 2019

Présentation Anciennement “la Nuit du Hack”, c’est une conférence sur la sécurité informatique, le ethical hacking de manière plus générale, organisée depuis plus de 16 ans par la même équipe. Cette année était la première année après son changement de nom, les organisateurs attendaient cette fois-ci plus de 3500 personnes. J’ai eu la chance d’y participer pour la première fois cette année à la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industries de Paris. ...

July 13, 2019 · 4 min · 748 words · zoph

AWS Transfer for SFTP

Info: This is our first post of a serie of coauthoring articles with @kharec Serverless SFTP with AWS Transfer for SFTP Sometimes in web world, we need to quickly deploy a space to share datas with programs or with other humans. One of the numerous solutions is an SFTP space out there. But you know: create the server, configure the service, partition the users, the permissions, the folders, etc… It’s getting heavy faster than a speeding bullet! ...

June 10, 2019 · 5 min · 1013 words · zoph

Enable Default Encryption for EBS (Worldwide)

Following the announced new opt-in option regarding the default encryption of EBS Volumes a few days ago, I’ve made a small python script to enable this feature on all AWS regions within an AWS Account. Quick and Dirty Simple. This is an example, use it at your own risk, and test it before applying to production, as usual :) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 import boto3 AWS_REGION = 'eu-west-1' session = boto3.Session(region_name=AWS_REGION) ec2 = session.client('ec2') def main(event, context): ec2_regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in ec2.describe_regions()['Regions']] # For all AWS Regions for region in ec2_regions: conn = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region) print ("Checking AWS Region: " + region) status = conn.get_ebs_encryption_by_default() print ("===="*10) result = status["EbsEncryptionByDefault"] if result == True: print ("Activated, nothing to do") else: print("Not activated, activation in progress") conn.enable_ebs_encryption_by_default() if __name__ == '__main__': main(0,0) That’s all folks! ...

June 10, 2019 · 1 min · 156 words · zoph

My Pet Projects

In this article, I will describe my current pets projects. These are mainly excuses to learn something new for me, or exercises to go deeper in particular technologies, but could be (I hope) useful for you too. Don’t hesitate to issue enhancements, bugfix (PR), or just give a try to give me your thoughts. Instance Watcher :construction_worker: Tech: Lambda, Python, Serverless Application Model (SAM), SES This app will scan your AWS Account against all EC2 region worldwide and notify you by email when you have some running EC2 instances. It’s useful for non-production environments that you need to monitor. Usecase: labs/training, sandbox accounts. ...

May 30, 2019 · 3 min · 513 words · zoph

My DevOps toolbox for AWS practitioner

In this post, you will find my best tools to work with if you are playing around with AWS Services. Please let us know yours in the comments below :punch: Last Update: 2019-02-14 General :construction: Description Links Use multiple AWS Accounts on the same browser using Firefox Containers Firefox Containers Facilitate your switch role experience with this AddOn FF - Extend Switch Roles - Chrome - Extend Switch Roles Easy way to know your current public ip, using AWS Service What is my Public IP Check if any website is hosted on AWS Is It on AWS? Test the reachability of EC2 worldwide EC2 Reachability A great reference for IAM, needs to be updated Cloudonaut IAM Reference AWS Transferts costs are a nightmare, this is intended to help a bit AWS Transferts Costs Want to know the current inter AWS Region latency? Inter-Region Latency THE REFERENCE (don’t forget the associate Slack) AWS Open Guide FinOps :dollar: Description Links Compare all existing EC2 instances, and pricing on a single view, with search capabilities ec2instances.info Well known AWS Calculator, a new version is coming AWS Calc Infrastructure as Code (IaC) :memo: Description Links Great post if your plan to use VSCode with CFN VSCode Linter for CFN, and really up-to-date! cfn-lint pycharm is my preferred IDE for Terraform with this plugin Terraform Security / Governance / Hardening :flashlight: Description Links Cloud Governance, Security and compliance made it easy Cloud Custodian Entirely nuke an AWS Account (warning), for example, training accounts aws-nuke Store your AWS credential encrypted, and other cool feature like: login AWS-Vault Least Privileges tool from 0xdabbad00, using Athena and CloudTrail CloudTracker Map / Audit your AWS environments, and much more, Thanks again Scott CloudMapper Schema :triangular_ruler: Description Links Schema / Design your Architecture (with new AWS icons) Draw.io Same, with some advanced paid features ($) CloudCraft See ya Folks. ...

February 14, 2019 · 2 min · 313 words · zoph