CloudWatch Synthetics - Canary testing

Canary What ? In software testing, a canary (also called a canary test) is a push of programming code changes to a small number of end-users who have not volunteered to test anything. The goal of a canary test is to make sure code changes are transparent and work in a real-world environment. Canary tests, which are often automated, are run after testing in a sandbox environment has been completed. Because the canary is only pushed to a small number of users, its impact is relatively small should the new code prove to be buggy and changes can be reversed quickly....

February 2, 2020 · 4 min · 662 words · zoph

On being Independent

In December 2019, I’ve decided to switch from a long time (15 years) habits of Full-Time Employee (FTE) contracts to run my own business as an Independent AWS Cloud Architect. This decision came to me after a few deceptions from my past experiences as a traditional employee/consultant, and I was thinking about this switch for several years now. It was the perfect time for me to start this new challenge:...

January 1, 2020 · 2 min · 316 words · zoph