Level-up your Home Observability

Hey folks, Recently, I was trying to level-up my observability for my home automation system, and I was inspired by what has been done by Carmelo and Patrick who had similar experiences for their own needs. TL;DR $ git clone https://gitlab.com/z0ph/tower-control.git $ docker-compose up -d $ open http://localhost:3000 (`admin`/`admin`) Going Further :mag_right: Previously, the only graph that I had was the built-in graph from my Home Automation system: Jeedom, and it was pretty bad (see below) ...

March 21, 2020 · 3 min · 584 words · zoph

[MAMIP] Monitor AWS Managed IAM Policies

This Article was created posted in September 2019. Updated in February 2020. Disclaimer Thanks to @0xdabbad00 from SummitRoute for the original idea and jq parsing. Purpose When your production workloads rely on AWS IAM Managed Policies (don’t do this), you will need to be notified when changes occur behind the scene. It’s also interesting to monitor new AWS services releases prior announcements to get spoiled. This pet project automates the retrieval (every 4 hours) of new AWS Managed IAM Policies to make it easier to monitor and get alerted when changes occur (by AWS) using “Watch” feature from Github, RSS or dedicated Twitter Account. ...

February 22, 2020 · 2 min · 304 words · zoph

Easily reduce by 70% your AWS Fargate bills

Quick post today about CostSaving on AWS. As you know two of my preferred subjects on Public Cloud are: Security and FinOps ! Recently, AWS introduced a way to reduce by up to 70% AWS bills using Spot instances with AWS Fargate service. It’s really easy to use, and if your workload is interruption-proof, batch jobs, or CI/CD containers, don’t hesitate to use it to drastically reduce your workloads costs. Using Terraform, you just have to specify the capacity_providers and/or the default_capacity_provider_strategy on your aws_ecs_cluster resource. ...

February 16, 2020 · 1 min · 129 words · zoph

qTweet - SQS to Twitter Speaker

qTweet is a dead simple AWS SQS to Twitter serverless speaker :speaker:. Publish message :love_letter: to SQS (FIFO), Lambda function will handle publishing it to Twitter. Automagically. :tada: To be honest, my plan is to automate the tweet of certain information using this queue in multiple side projects. As usual, I’m sharing this with you folks as I was not able to find equivalent in Github / Open source projects. I hope it could be useful to someone else. ...

February 5, 2020 · 2 min · 411 words · zoph

CloudWatch Synthetics - Canary testing

Canary What ? In software testing, a canary (also called a canary test) is a push of programming code changes to a small number of end-users who have not volunteered to test anything. The goal of a canary test is to make sure code changes are transparent and work in a real-world environment. Canary tests, which are often automated, are run after testing in a sandbox environment has been completed. Because the canary is only pushed to a small number of users, its impact is relatively small should the new code prove to be buggy and changes can be reversed quickly. ...

February 2, 2020 · 4 min · 676 words · zoph