Serverless AWS WebRedirect

Rational Lately, I was looking for small automation to deploy a simple web redirect for a domain name hosted on Amazon Route 53. I didn’t find anything relevant so I’ve decided to do it by myself. The goal was to have a subdomain redirect to a totaly different domain and path using minimal efforts and infrastructure. From: To: Schema Tradeoff It does not support https, but you could use the http as an entrypoint, and then redirect traffic to https as needed....

November 7, 2021 · 1 min · 115 words · zoph

Build a Serverless Twitter Dashboard using DynamoDB, APIGW and Highcharts

TL;DR HighCharts -> APIGW -> DynamoDB + Lambda function 🎉 Introduction Lately, I was working on a new version, API Based, for my Twitter Cockpit. In the previous version, Highcharts was loading data from some flat csv files. The goal of this cockpit is to retrieve and store unlimited history of specific Twitter Accounts based on a Twitter List. It means that you can control it from Twitter which accounts you want to graph the follower/following history....

October 18, 2020 · 4 min · 646 words · zoph

GitHub Actions with AWS: Hands-On

Hi Folks, Lately, I was experimenting with GitHub Actions (GHA), as it is a buzzword since General Availability (GA), but I didn’t take time to try it before. I’ve done it for you folks. 🙌 Context GHA was released on GA in November 2019, the main features are: Automate development workflows (CI/CD): build, test, deploy Hosted runners / self-hosted runners Automate the management of your GH Community: PR, Code Reviews, or Issue Tracking Built-in secrets store My Objectives Replace my manually (Makefile) deployed pet projects....

March 29, 2020 · 6 min · 1250 words · zoph

qTweet - SQS to Twitter Speaker

qTweet is a dead simple AWS SQS to Twitter serverless speaker :speaker:. Publish message :love_letter: to SQS (FIFO), Lambda function will handle publishing it to Twitter. Automagically. :tada: To be honest, my plan is to automate the tweet of certain information using this queue in multiple side projects. As usual, I’m sharing this with you folks as I was not able to find equivalent in Github / Open source projects. I hope it could be useful to someone else....

February 5, 2020 · 2 min · 411 words · zoph

Serverless job scheduling using AWS Fargate

I was wondering if I could schedule simple bash scripts using AWS Fargate for some trivial batches operations. To be completely honest, It is also an excuse to learn more about AWS Fargate, and to convert a legacy bash script based on EC2 Spot instance to a container world. In this post, we will see how to schedule a bash script job once a day. To do so, we will deploy the corresponding AWS infrastructure (even if it’s serverless, yes :wink:) using Terraform....

September 22, 2019 · 5 min · 1005 words · zoph